Working with Docker Compose in a development environment can be challenging sometimes for the newcomers, unless you got the time on your hands to google everything from stack overflow and save it somewhere locally. In this post, I’ll share with you some commands that might help you from the start.
Services and containers are used interchangeably.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Docker Compose
Build and start Docker Compose stack in the background
docker-compose up --build -d
This command will build or rebuild services (if you have changes in a service Dockerfile or in it’s build directory)in the docker-compose stack and run them in the background. This is usually useful when trying to deploy the stack for the first time. -d
stands for detached mode.
Stop and remove all docker containers from the Docker Compose stack
docker-compose down
This command will stop and remove all services (containers) specified in the Docker Compose stack. If you want to remove the volumes and images used by any service add -v
and --rmi all
parameters as well.
Restart a single Docker Compose service
docker-compose restart <service_name>
If you omit a service name, it will restart all the services.
Start Docker Compose stack with a scaled up service
docker-compose up -d --scale <service_name>=5
Update containers that have newer image than currently running
docker-compose up -d --no-deps <service_name>
Get Docker Compose to pull the latest images from repositories
1. docker-compose down
2. docker-compose pull (for remote repositories) and/or docker-compose build --pull (for local build images)
3. docker-compose up -d
Run alpine docker container in a detached mode
docker run -dit --name test-container alpine
Get into the docker container shell
docker exec -it <container_name_or_id> /bin/bash
Note(s): If /bin/bash
doesn’t work, try with /bin/sh
-it or -i -t
: Allocates a tty for the container process.-i
: Keeps stdin open even if it’s not attached.-t
: Allocate a pseudo-tty.
Get info about the docker image or container
docker inspect <image_name_or_container_name>
Show docker container logs
docker logs <container_name_or_id>
If you want to stream the logs:
docker logs --follow <container_name_or_id>
If you want to display only the latest lines:
docker logs --tail 100 <container_name_or_id>
Get docker container IP address
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container_name_or_id>
Clean out docker images, builds, volumes, containers, …
docker system prune --volumes
This command will remove all stopped containers, build cache, dangling images, networks that are not used by at least one container, and not used volumes.
Remove all custom networks only not used by at least one container:
docker network prune
Remove all volumes only not used by at least one container:
docker volume prune
Remove all stopped containers:
docker container prune
Remove all containers including its volumes use (YOLO):
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)
Remove all images (YOLO):
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
I’m sure there’s a lot more commands to be added, so feel free to leave a comment below. On a side note, follow our official channel on Telegram.