
Run commands in a stopped Docker container

Jun 20, 2023 · 1 min read · Post a comment

I guess we have all been there trying to debug a Docker container in exited state. Without further ado here are the steps required.


  • Docker


Step 1. Identify the container name by running docker ps -a to list all containers including stopped/exited ones, then copy the name. For the purpose of this example let’s say the container name value is: app-1.

Step 2. Create a Docker image of the container state. With app-1 being based of the default CentOS image, run:

docker commit app-1 debug/centos

Step 3. At last, create a new container and run it in interactive mode:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint sh debug/centos

alt(easier) solution: docker start -ai app-1


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