terragrunt, ubuntu,

How to install Terragrunt on Ubuntu

Nov 24, 2021 · 1 min read · Post a comment

Working with Terragrunt as a Terraform wrapper will ease things and simplify the Terraform templates. Here I will show you how to set up quickly on your Ubuntu machine.


  • Ubuntu
  • sudo privileges

Install Terragrunt on Ubuntu

Step 1. As a first step go to the official release page, scroll down to the Assets section and download the terragrunt_linux_arm64 file.

Step 2. Once the download is completed, navigate to the file directory (it should be in the Downloads directory) and rename it to terragrunt.

mv terragrunt_linux_arm64 terragrunt

Step 3. Set executable permissions to the binary file.

chmod u+x terragrunt

Step 4. Move the Terragrunt file into the $PATH binary on your machine.

mv terragrunt /usr/local/bin/terragrunt

Step 5. Now, try to execute Terragrunt commands on your machine.


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