
Reference Nginx upstream config from another file

Apr 27, 2023 · 1 min read · Post a comment

Sentry is a free and open-source, popular application monitoring tool. It’s running as a Docker Compose stack if you decide to go self-hosted. However, it’s poorly supported compared with their cloud offering. Makes sense, right?! So, the most common issue is the disk space issue. Here’s how I’ve resolved it.


  • Sentry self-hosted


Step 1. Get in a worker container and run the following command:

docker compose exec worker bash

Step 2. Run the cleanup task. Remove anything before 30 days:

sentry cleanup --days 30

Step 3. Once that done, exit the bash session, and get into the DB container, a PostgreSQL database.

docker compose exec postgres bash

Step 4. Login to PostgreSQL.

psql -U postgres

Step 5. Run the following command:


Step 6. Wait out the operation, then \q the postgres connection and exit from the container.

Of course, another way to solve this would be increase the server disk space (short-term) or, just use their cloud offering.


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